Friday, July 29, 2011

Decided to use part of the chunk of sheet metal I got, to make the tail light mount, to also make a battery cover. The bracket that goes there isn't made anymore, I tried to order it off bike bandit already. I'm going to paint it, along with the rest of the housing, all black to blend in.

Got the center indicator lights hooked up and bolted in, used 2 pennies as washers. Then got the handlebars set and the controls postioned and tightened down. I like how it looks, just gotta wait to see how it feels when I finally ride it.

Gettin alot done! I have to wait for the tach gear, which is scheduled to arrive monday, before completely tightening all the engine bolts. I'm getting everything else on the bike together and ready to go! Put another probably 5-8hrs into it yesterday, got my battery charged, and the tach wires plugged in. Gonna make a cover for the battery and paint it black to blend in. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Got some parts the last 2 days. Got the tach, tach cable, clubmans, some bolts, and a battery. Waiting on the tach gear and getting that broken bolt out of the camshaft before I can finish putting the engine together. The tach went on easy since the mount has the same connection to the frame, it just has more holes for the added guages from the C1 to the A2. The wiring might be the only problem, as the engine cover already has all the holes and mounts for the tach gear and cable. The clubmans fit perfect and when sitting on it feel very comfortable, can't wait to get the controls on them. Tomorow I'll fill and charge the battery, try to get the broken bolt out, and that's bout all I can do for now. Once I get the bolt out and get the tach gear in the mail I'm going to buy a craftsman needle style torque wrench and return the piece of shit click stop one that is defective from harbor freight. Then I'll be able to finish putting the engine together, add fluids, and fire it up! Fingers crossed that nothing else goes wrong...atleast till I get it to fire up!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just got the first roudnd of parts in today. Now that I have the new bolt Ima pick up a allen wrench that fits my torque wrench, then talk to Greg to get the gasket sealant he uses for work. Gotta check to make sure the air filters fit, they look slightly too big by looking, but I could be wrong.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Looking thought the wiring to make sure everything's good to go, me and Jeremy found what looked like a crack where oil might leak in. We weren't sure if there should be oil in the generator so I decided I best ask for help on before I go and put the cover back on. The pics are of the 'crack', the hole we found below the generator that leads me to believer there's supposed to be oil in there, and the whole side of the area. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Got the title for my bike today, gonna order my parts finally, after work tomorow.